Spout Management

Documentation > Input / Output > Spout Management

Spout Management

Artiste supports sharing video data through Spout 2.0. From the perspective of VZX - VZX Artiste is a single producer (or "Sender") and several spout receivers can consume the feed. Spout shares the video over the graphics card's memory (VRAM) so if the receiving program also uses VRAM it can easily support 60 FPS at high resolutions (1080p at least).

How it affects the render pipeline

When setting a pixel size of the render buffer, this is the resolution the VZX Artiste output will be rendered at. Instead of rendering to the window's frame buffer, the engine renders to Spout's frame buffer instead.



"Enabled" when Spout sending is active, "Disabled" otherwise.

Framebuffer Resolution

Choose from a few common ones, or set a Custom frame buffer resolution.